Monday 2 May 2016

The first state level Paralympic Powerlifting camp

Kerala paralympic powerlifting association & physically challenged all sports association kerala as conducted the first state level Paralympic Powerlifting camp 24-04-2016 under the Thrissur District Sports Council in thrissur and Thrissur District powerlifting association aquatic complex 

The first state level Paralympic Powerlifting camp

the physically challenged all sports association kerala as conducted the first state level Paralympic Powerlifting camp 24-04-2016 under the Thrissur District Sports Council in thrissur and Thrissur District powerlifting association aquatic complex 

The first state level Paralympic Powerlifting camp

The physically challenged all sports association kerala as conducted the first state level Paralympic Powerlifting camp 24-04-2016 under the Thrissur District Sports Council in thrissur and Thrissur District powerlifting association aquatic complex the physically challenged all sports association kerala state president Mr Kishor am & the Thrissur District powerlifting association secretary & coach Mr shobi and the players this time we give chance the camp is very talented persons