Tuesday 2 March 2021

1st Kerala State Paralympic Games & Para Masters Games for the physically challenged will be held on March 4 at Kottayam, Pala, Municipal Stadium.

Dear friends,

Kottayam District Physically Challenged All Sports Association under Physically Challenging All Sports Association Kerala is hosting the 1st Kerala State Paralympic Games & Para Masters Games for the physically challenged on March 4 at Pala, Municipal Stadium, Kottayam. The event will be inaugurated by Hon'ble Poonjar MLA PC George George and will be graced by the Association State President Kishore A. M will preside, Welcome by Association District Secretary Jackson KJ; Kottayam District Panchayat President Nirmala Jimmy and Pala Municipality Chairman Andto Jose Padinjarakkara will be the chief guests. The closing ceremony will be inaugurated by Hon'ble Pala MLA Mani C Kappan. Abdul Muneer K, State General Secretary of the Association will preside over the function. Welcome by Basha B, State Vice President of the Association; Kottayam District Sports Council President Biju Varghese will be the chief guest. Kottayam District Badminton Association Treasurer Bijomon George and Kottayam District Athletic Association Secretary Thankachan Mathew will be the guests at the event. Selected contestants from different districts will take part in certain sports. The State Games will be an opportunity for the physically challenged athletes of Kerala to participate in the upcoming International Para Masters Championship and the National Para Masters Games. The support and encouragement of all of you is essential for the work of the Physically Challenged All Sports Association of Kerala to find the best athletes in Kerala and thereby to participate in national and international competitions and to win medals for our state and country. All of you are most welcome to our great sporting extravaganza. We look forward to your continued support and assistance. Let us work together to bring the physically challenged athletes of Kerala to the forefront of the world. Share this news Let your share be the reason for the emergence of an athlete from Kerala to win a medal for our country in the days to come.

Yours faithfully


Physically Challenged All Sports Association Kerala



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